can you confirm the following First:
Yes, I want to recalibrate my mind, so I can live the life I dream of!
Yes, I am ready to focus on myself and make the changes I need to be the best version of myself
Yes, I’m happy to invest in my success and understand that this will be life changing!
Yes, I am ready to elevate my life!
In 2017, I lost my father. Three weeks later my fiance, the father of my three young children dropped dead from a heart attack. This threw me into a terrible addiction, I no longer cared about anything. I wanted to die. After losing everything we had built together from my addiction, I tried committing suicide. Somehow I did not die, I was saved. It did not take me long to realize that it was God who saved me. He proved this by completely redeeming my life. He showed me I WAS worthy. My life was flipped upside down, from losing everything, to getting everything back times twenty. To God be the glory. I just knew that with everything I had overcome, I could be a shining light in so many people's lives.
Fast forward to today, I am a Mental Health Recovery Coach. We help others who are struggling as I once did, because I know firsthand there are NOT enough people who CARE! We do though, I feel in my soul that this is the path that God is leading me on. All those struggles and hard times I have faced has brought me right here, to help you and whoever else has lost hope. Having lived experience is a game changer, we understand how difficult life can get, in so many different ways. Recalibrating my mind changed my life!!!
Along the way I have built a beautiful relationship with my three children, we are closer than ever. I am closer with my mom, more than I have ever been. I have rebuilt the relationship I had with my family, before my addiction. My faith is the strongest it has ever been, and it continues to grow more and more every day. My mind is more clear, I feel peace daily. I am taking care of my body in ways I didn't even realize I was supposed to. My life has completely changed, yours can too!!!
Our mission is very clear. We are here to help anyone who is lost, regain their purpose to live. So they may be fulfilled in their everyday life and spread more joy into the world.
Is this really possible in just 8 weeks?
Absolutely, our minds are extremely powerful once we connect to our higher self, we are unstoppable. It only takes the brain 30 days to form new habits, lets make some life-changing habits!
Whether you believe in God or not, it is 100% possible to connect with your higher self or any other beliefs you have. We respect all beliefs in this program.
Is this only for recovering drug addicts and/or alcoholics?
No way, there are so many people struggling with their mental health, this program is open to all. No matter what situation you are in.
The right fit?
As you can imagine, Recalibrate the Mind is unlike any other coaching experience out there and as such, we go to great efforts to maintain the quality, privacy & exclusivity of our community.
You are ready to grab hold of your dreams
You can invest time into being the best version of yourself
You are ready to change your life
You have the means to invest in your growth
You want to have peace and joy, so you can spread peace and joy
You are not ready to be the best version of yourself
You’re looking for a quick solution, but not ready to do the work
You seek free advice, but never changed anything
You don’t see the worth in self-investment
You are not interested in sharing peace and joy with others
Are you next?
Will you be next?...